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Cion Florence - Women's Low-Top Sneakers

Cion Florence - Women's Low-Top Sneakers

Regular price $46 USD
Regular price Sale price $46 USD
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Be ready to hit the ground with a bounce in your step and a smile on your face in the Sketchland Women's Low-Top! Our stylish and breathable canvas and anti-odorant memory foam insole make it an oh-so-comfortable pick for long days out, so you can have the freedom to explore knowing your feet will be supported and comfy. Choose between white or black soles for the style that expresses you best! The sketchers you can always count on to provide love, friendship and good vibes.

.: Breathable polyester canvas
.: Hi-poly anti-odorant memory foam insoles
.: EVA shock-absorbing layer
.: Durable rubber outsole
.: Designed in the USA

1. #WomenLoveLowTopSneakers #FriendshipVibes 2. #WomensStyle #LoveAndFriendship 3. #LowTopFashion #GoodVibesAndSneakers 4. #LowTopVibes #LoveSneakers 5. #WomensSneakers #VibezAndFriendship 6. #WomenFriendsFashion #LoveGoodVibes
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